S'more Ways to Enjoy S'mores
Liven up your summer camping trip by checking out s'more ways to enjoy s'mores.
Not a single family camping trip goes by without roasting marshmallows over a fire and making s'mores.
This beloved graham cracker sandwich, with chocolate and marshmallow for the filling, is nearly as American as apple pie. In 1927, a recipe for "Some Mores," appeared in a Girl Scout publication.
The recipe for Some Mores, today known as S'mores, is classic. However, if you are looking for ways to mix things up, check out our ideas below.
Mix Up the Graham
Instead of regular ol' graham crackers, try a different flavor like chocolate or cinnamon. Shortbread cookies, instead of graham crackers, is another way to mix things up.
Swap Out the Chocolate
Sure milk chocolate (Hershey milk chocolate to be exact), is the go-to chocolate for s'mores. However, you can up your game and take your taste buds for a ride by swapping out the chocolate. Try white or dark chocolate, peanut butter cups or caramel-filled chocolate squares like a Caramello bar. Ghirardelli chocolate squares also offer a variety of flavors.
Sweeten It S'More
Before adding your choice of chocolate, spread some jam on your cracker or cookie. The addition of fruit will give your s'more an oh-so-sweet zing.
Speaking of sweet, take your s'more to the next level with a drizzle of caramel sauce. Your taste buds will sing your praises.
Sprinkle On the Fun
When the edges of your s'more are oozing sticky, marshmallow-y goodness, dip your s'more in a bowl full of sprinkles. Kids (and adults) will love the colorful, fun addition to their campfire treat.
Banana Split S'more
Our last idea may become your next favorite: the Banana Split S'more.
- Graham crackers
- Chocolate bars
- Marshmallows
- Slices of banana
- Sliced strawberries or strawberry jam
Yum, yum!
What's your favorite way to have a S'more? Let us know in the comments! No matter what, we hope your summer is s'more fun than you hoped it to be!